Romulo Rodrigues



This website is a in progress project designed to have a printable Resume as home with some extras for my main domain, while also hosting the other domains pages (,, and and subdomains for smaller projects and experiments to come.

This is a Phoenix Framework over Elixir, the decision to use this framework was mostly due to its small footprint on resources to host applications, overall speed and ease of maintenance. This is running in (thanks for the free tier for experiments 🙏🏼). As this will be used to host various HTML5 experiments and tools, with some minimal database operations and backend processing. As I'm being looking for a reason to have some hands-on experience with this language and framework, I've figured that building this would be helpful as a starting point

Repository: GitHub Yemolai/yemolai-website (v2)

React.js Tic Tac Toe

Simple lean-on-dependencies implementation of a Tic Tac Toe Game using React.js made in 2022 to get back into React, frontend-only, can even work offline after being loaded.

I had plans on making it multiplayer through an Elixir backend and being able to be played solo or local multiplayer offline as a PWA application. Maybe someday I'll revisit it, but for now the project is on halt.

Link(s): React.js Tic Tac Toe Browser Game

Repository: Tic Tac Toe in React

HTML5 Snake Game

Simple vanilla JS Snake Game, using the canvas element and its API. It's built as a simple HTML page with separate CSS and JS file assets in a Elixir Phoenix project (this same website).

Link(s): Snake Game in yemolai-website

Repository: yemolai-website

Other projects I had are very old by now, so I'll not include those here as those aren't being used nor maintained anymore. You can probably take a look into my Github profile for some of them and a huge pile of shame of old projects and experiments lying around. Some new ones will show up in the next months.